ANTENA 3 TV, one of the most important TV networks in Spain, is
working on the third season of Mamá, ¡tú no mires! (A guide for
students throughout the world).
Once again, we are looking for Spanish students living in different
cities of the European Union. We would like to know if there is any
of them studying in your Institution who would be interested in
taking part in our TV program, what kind of studies they take part
in, etc.
Mamá, ¡tú no mires! (A guide for students throughout the world) shows
how Spanish students can take part in your study programs, how they
become a scholarship holder, what kind of activies they do in their
free time, how do their houses look like... They will have to show us
the most interesting places in the city and their daily lives while
having a casual interview.
We will send one reporter and one camera for the interview, and you
wont be disturbed at all.
We are sure this is a good opportunity to announce your Institution
abroad, since the students will have to show us their working area,
what they are studing and they will have to tell us about their
experience abroad.
If you want take a look into the show you can check our website at:
In this website you can watch the whole second season of the show,
with clips, highlights, photos,etc.
For further information, please contact us as soon as possible.
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