Friss topikok

  • HÖK Külügy: Ma elkezdődött a jelentkezési időszak a fordítók számára, ami 2011. november 29-ig tart. Itt talá... (2011.10.26. 18:29) EU Careers
  • HÖK Külügy: Kedves alien1717! Sajnos ennyi információnk van csak a programról. :S Üdv, ELTE BTK Külügy (2011.05.15. 18:39) Erasmus Staff Week
  • : Jó lezdeményezés!! (2011.02.27. 22:23) Almumni mentor felhívás
  • : "Mit tenne cserehallgatóként Japánban?" Kiváncsi vagyok mik érkeznek erre :D (2011.02.03. 22:30) Ösztöndíj a Meiji Egyetemre, Japán
  • HÖK Külügy: @Csill024: Csak a tanszéked, és esetleg az intézeted kapcsolataival tudsz kimenni. Annyi a könnyí... (2011.01.31. 21:20) Idei Erasmus helyek listája


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Utolsó hozzászólások

  • HÖK Külügy: Ma elkezdődött a jelentkezési időszak a fordítók számára, ami 2011. november 29-ig tart. Itt talá... (2011.10.26. 18:29) EU Careers
  • HÖK Külügy: Kedves alien1717! Sajnos ennyi információnk van csak a programról. :S Üdv, ELTE BTK Külügy (2011.05.15. 18:39) Erasmus Staff Week
  • alien1717: Az Erasmus Staff Week keretében még milyen programokra lehet számítani? Vagy ennek hol lehet utána... (2011.05.15. 18:37) Erasmus Staff Week
  • : Jó lezdeményezés!! (2011.02.27. 22:23) Almumni mentor felhívás
  • : "Mit tenne cserehallgatóként Japánban?" Kiváncsi vagyok mik érkeznek erre :D (2011.02.03. 22:30) Ösztöndíj a Meiji Egyetemre, Japán
  • HÖK Külügy: @Csill024: Csak a tanszéked, és esetleg az intézeted kapcsolataival tudsz kimenni. Annyi a könnyí... (2011.01.31. 21:20) Idei Erasmus helyek listája
  • Csill024: @HÖK Külügy: Köszönöm a választ. Még annyit szeretnék kérdezni, hogy csak arra a helyre lehet je... (2011.01.31. 21:12) Idei Erasmus helyek listája
  • HÖK Külügy: @Csill024: Az idei pályázási időszakra vonatkozó aktuális listát most fogom feltölteni, így mind... (2011.01.31. 10:38) Idei Erasmus helyek listája
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  • HÖK Külügy: Kedves janpasek! A hétfő természetesen elírás, hszen a tájékoztató 8-án, szerdán lesz. A jelzést ... (2010.11.30. 23:19) Kellner tájékoztató
  • Utolsó 20


Az ELTE Bölcsészkar külügyei, ösztöndíjprogram lehetőségek. A bizottság fő feladata a magyar és külföldi hallgatók érdekképviselete, valamint a karon való tájékoztatás a külföldi ösztöndíjakról, külföldi munkalehetőségekről, külföldi önkéntes munkáról.

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies Updates

2012.05.15. 12:56 | HÖK Külügy | Szólj hozzá!

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies Updates

- Call for Applications -




Dear Friends and Colleagues, 

On behalf of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, we are writing to bring to your attention a number of new exciting opportunities in the field of cultural diplomacy, as well as information about our new programs and upcoming international conferences, to be hosted by the ICD in partnership with other leading organizations.




The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (CCDS)


The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy) is the world’s leading center for the study of cultural diplomacy, offering educational opportunities in partnership with leading European universities and institutions.


Educational programs range from week-long seminars for undergraduate students and interested professionals, to Master's and Doctoral programs for graduates pursuing careers in academia, diplomacy, government, and/or the private sector, dedicated either wholly or in part to the field of cultural diplomacy.


We are currently accepting applications for enrollment to the Summer Semester 2012 (beginning June 18th, 2012) and Fall Semester 2012 (beginning October 1st, 2012), and would be grateful if you could share this announcement by forwarding the information below to anyone you think may be interested in applying.


CCDS offers the following Post-Graduate Programs:


  • MA in International Relations & Cultural DiplomacyBabes-Bolyai University in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy

(Start: June 18th or October 1st, 2012) 


  • MA in Cultural Diplomacy and Euro-Mediterranean Studies: The Euro-Mediterranean University in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy

(Start: June 18th or October 1st, 2012) 


  • MBA in Cultural Diplomacy & the Global Economy: Babes-Bolyai University in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy

(Start: June 18th or October 1st, 2012) 


  • PHD Program in Cultural Diplomacy & the Global Economy: Babes-Bolyai University in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy

(Start: June 18th, 2012) 



CCDS offers the following Distance Learning Programs (Summer Sessions):


  • E-Learning Courses in Cultural Diplomacy & International Relations (June 4th – 30th, 2012)
  • E-Learning Courses in Cultural Diplomacy in Africa (June 4th – 30th, 2012)
  • E-Learning Courses in Cultural Diplomacy in the Global Economy (June 4th – 30th, 2012)
  • E-Learning Courses in Cultural Diplomacy & the Media (June 4th – 30th, 2012)



To find more information and apply to the above programs, please





ICD Young Leaders’ Forums

(Berlin, Vienna, Brussels, London, Helsinki – June-September 2012)


The ICD Young Leaders Forums are international networks of like-minded young individuals with an interest in developing, supporting and sustaining intercultural relations. The first Young Leaders Forum was developed in 2003 and we have since developed and launched a variety of different bilateral and multilateral forums that focus on a diverse range of relationships across the world. Over the past decade the ICD Young Leaders Forum has grown to become one of Europe’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations, hosting programs that facilitate interaction among young individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from across the world.


To apply please click HERE


ICD Upcoming International Conferences

The 2012 International Symposia on Cultural Diplomacy

(Berlin, Geneva, Washington D.C., June 1st - June 28th, 2012)


In the year 2011, the international community witnessed historical events that changed the political landscape of the globe, ranging from the Arab Spring, to the “Occupy Wall Street Movement” and other protest movements around the globe. These transitions and protests were all facilitated and supported by the use of modern technology and the social media. These events represent, each in their own specific context, the people’s will for a change, whether it is political, economic or social and their unified demand for more equality and justice.


The events were each highlighted by the possibility for the people to better organize themselves and express their will through the social media, allowing them to gather millions of supporters around them within a very short period of time. When one compares these transitions to similar historical events, one can see that such changes have traditionally taken many years, rather than days, however once they do occur, they are sustainable and broad changes that are not then reversed.


The ICD therefore decided to focus the 2012 International Symposia on Cultural Diplomacy on this common goal of the public for more equality in the political, economic and social spheres. The Symposium will be divided into four main themes and will be hosted in three major international cities, which were chosen due to their relevancy to the theme of the conference. The Symposia will analyze the current global situation as well as future trends, strategies and the potential to counter political, social and economic inequality in the world.


Symposia Speakers >

The speakers during the conference will include leading figures and experts from international politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil society and the private sector, from across the world. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board. To learn more about the ICD Advisory Board please click here.


Speakers for the Symposia include:


  • President Alfred Moisiu – Former President of Albania
  • President Alfredo Palacio - Former President of Ecuador
  • David Smith - Africa Correspondent, The Guardian
    • President Emil Constantinescu - Former President of Romania
    • The Hon. Frederik Willem de Klerk, the 7th President of South Africa
    • The Hon. Jorge Castaneda - Former Foreign Affairs Secretary of Mexico
    • Prof. Joseph Nye - Distinguished Service Professor at Harvard University (tbc)
    • Mia Farrow - Actress and Humanitarian Activist
      • Secretary Michael  Chertoff - Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security 
      • Amb. Rufus Yerxa, Deputy Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO)
      • The Hon. Said Musa – Former Prime minister of Belize
      • The Hon. Theo-Ben Gurirab - Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Namibia, Former President of the UN General Assembly, Former Prime minister of Namibia



We are accepting applications for the following events:


To apply please visit:

  • The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2012 – “Social & Cultural Inequality: Innovative Strategies to Promote Access to Human Rights and Equalize Globalization” (Berlin, June 1st - 4th, 2012)


  • The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Africa 2012 - "Cultural Diplomacy & Sustainable Development in Africa" (Berlin, June 10th - 12th, 2012)



  • The 2012 International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy & International Economics – "Political & Economic Inequalities: Bridging the Gap between Civil Society and the Public & Private Sectors" (Berlin, June 20th - 22nd, 2012)


  • The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the USA 2012– "Cultural Diplomacy, National Security, and Global Risks" (Washington D.C, June 26th - 28th, 2012)





We are very pleased to inform you that following many months of preparations, the ICD is now able to develop additional projects in order to further promote the fascinating field of cultural diplomacy. If you would be interested in developing projects together with us, please contact me through my direct email:


We also warmly encourage you to join and contribute to the development of the ICD Networks. Please stay informed about the activities of the ICD and join our community by “liking” our official organization profile, “Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)”, which you can access by following the


Thank you for your attention and for your cooperation in sharing the news of our upcoming events. If you do not wish to receive emails from the ICD in the future, please send us an email at indicating this.


With warmest regards,


Mark Donfried

Director & Founder


Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)

Ku´damm Karree (3rd Floor/Hochhaus)

Kurfürstendamm 207-8 Berlin, Germany-10719

Phone: 00.49(0)30.2360-7680



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