A Coimbrai Egyetem 2012. november 30-i határidővel keres két gyakornokot a 2012/2013-as év tavaszi félévére, akik (az ELTE-n elnyert) Erasmus ösztöndíjjal mehetnének hozzájuk.
Within the framework of the LLP Erasmus Placement Program, the University of Coimbra - Evaluation and Continuous Improvement Unit offers the opportunity for students from partner Universities to do an internship at the Evaluation and Continuous Improvement Unit.
Period: February until July 2013
Places available: 2
Working hours: 35 hours per week
Main Tasks: Under supervision of the Evaluation and Continuous Improvement Unit, the trainees are expected to give a fundamental input in the areas of Benchmarking within Higher Education Institutions, Institutional Evaluation process, to develop initiatives related to the University of Coimbra Quality Management System and to actively participate in communication initiatives within these domains.
Requirements: Excellent knowledge of English (preference may be given to native English speakers); good knowledge of a second language; good knowledge of MsOffice; preference to good organizational skills; strong commitment and enthusiasm. To one of the profiles, preference will be given to candidates with qualifications in Computer Science, Business process management or Design.
Financial Support: Students will have to apply for an Erasmus scholarship in their home university. The University ofCoimbra will assist them while finding accommodation.
How to Apply: Candidates should send the following documents: Curriculum Vitae, Transcript of Records, Motivation Letter, Copy of Identity Document, to Mutat .
Application Deadline: 30th November 2012
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Figyelem: A Gyakorlatra való jelentkezés előfeltétele a nyertes Erasmus pályázat, aki a nem pályázott az 2012-es pályázati fordulóban, a NKMO-nál tud érdeklődni arról, hogy lesz-e pótpályáztatás. www.elte.hu/erasmus.
Természetesen fogadóhely módosítás útján is betölthető a Coimbrai Státusz, a már nyertes hallgatók számra.
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