The *Universidad del Golfo de México* is pleased to present its 6^th
international Summer Project.
The project consists of _cultural immersion_ (through family homestay
and workshops in indigenous villages) and _Spanish language learning_.
It is organized in Oaxaca City (Mexico) from *July 15^th * (arrival day:
July 14^th ) *until* *August 14^th ,* *2011* and is open to any student
older than 19 having finished successfully at least one academic year at
university or college.
The goal of the project is to create links with overseas universities
through this non-degree program for international students, inviting
them to get to know our university, Mexican culture and regional
Our summer projects are organized in Oaxaca, the city of the Zapotecs
and one of the most beautiful in the New World. It is the perfect spot
for cultural exchange between old (pre-columbian) and new cultures.
As from today you will find information concerning our summer project
2011 on the following Webpage:
Thanks in advance for forwarding this information to your students
(through announcements, digital study environment or website, you can
also print *this folder*
If you wish more information about our university do not hesitate to
contact us.
NEW THIS YEAR: Students who are sent directly by the international
office of your university/college can apply for a lower program fee
(discount of 10%). In that case, it is important that the international
relations coordinator contacts us directly by e-mail to enroll the
student by filling out *this document*
If there are 3 or more students sent by your university, they will each
receive a discount of 20% on the program fee.
Summer Project Mexico - Universidad del Golfo de México
2011.01.31. 10:44 | HÖK Külügy | Szólj hozzá!
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