EMUNI University, Slovenia and Paul Cezanne University, France invite students from your network to attend the professional school course on *Public Management and* *Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean* (courses: Public Management and sustainable development - 3 ECTS, Mediterranean geopolitics, economy and major projects - 3 ECTS*)*
The main aim of the course is to learn about the role of public management and sustainable development policy in the Mediterranean region.
The course will be taught in English and delivered from *24 May -- 5 June 2010* at EMUNI University, Portorož -- Piran, Slovenia.
To allow students to attend this professional development school, grants for the tuition fee (in amount of 240 EUR) and accommodation at EMUNI Student Residence are available. Travel costs, meals and registration fee in amount of 100 EUR can not be covered by EMUNI.
On-line application is available through http://www.emuni.si/en/strani/
- CV;
- a transcript record of current or past study.
Students who are applying for grants need to enclose sealed and signed recommendation letter.
Application deadline is *extended until* *8 May* *2010*.
2010.05.08. 17:46 | HÖK Külügy | Szólj hozzá!
Címkék: külföld nyáriegyetem summer university
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